Onderzoeksprogramma Wijsheid


  • Fekkes, M., Van den Berg, N., Zijp, M., & Wevers, M., (2018, november). Master-educated teachers strenghtening research-oriented vocational education in the Netherlands. Case Study in M. Mazereeuw (Chair). Forstering practice-based or action research competences. Session A.7, EAPRIL 2018 Conference, November 12th-14th, Portoroz, Slovenia, Programme p.7. 
  • Nawijn, A., & Van den Berg, N. (2018, juni). Grenspraktijken van alumni van een Master Leren en Innoveren (MLI), werkzaam in het mbo: Posterpresentatie 19.  In Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD 2018) Onderste boven van onderwijs: Abstractboek (pp. 688-689). Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
  • Nawijn, A. (2018, november). Analyzing interactivity in a research practice collaboration. Workshop and presentation in  A. Ros, &  L. Sontag (Chairs). The (potential) impact of boundary objects & interactions: Collective thinking & design. EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight. EAPRIL 2018 Conference, November 12th-14th, Portoroz, Slovenia, Programma p.3.
  • Nawijn, A. (2018, november). Analyzing interactivity in a research practice collaboration. Workshop and presentation in  A. Ros, &  L. Sontag (Chairs). The (potential) impact of boundary objects & interactions: Collective thinking & design. EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight. EAPRIL 2018 Conference, November 12th-14th, Portoroz, Slovenia, Programma p.3.
  • Nawijn, A., & Van den Berg, N. (2018, november). Boundary practices of alumni of a Master in Learning and Innovation (MLI), working in secondary vocational education. Presentation in N. van den Berg (Chair), C. van Kan, L. Spreeuwenberg, & H. van Heijst. Impact of master programs for teachers in the Netherlands. Session B. 13, EAPRIL 2018 Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, Programme p 14. 
  • Ramos. J., De Jong. F., Vonk, M., Espadeiro, R., Canttaneo, A., H., Leijen, A., Laitnen-Vaananen. S., Burns., Bent., Tiebosch, N., & Bel, H. (2018). ViSuAL The Video Supported Collaborative Learning Knowledge Alliance Erasmus+ (EU)-Project. Proceedings 2018 Knowledge building summer institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 14-17. Knowledge building: A place for everyone in a knowledge society. p 54-64. http://ikit.org/KBSI2018/KBSI2018-Proceedings.pdf 
  • Rozendaal, J. , Van Doesum, K., & Van den Berg, N. (2018, juni). Het expliciteren van co-creatie opbrengsten via een competentie*doel reflectiematrix. Paper in N. van den Berg, J. Rozendaal, K. Groenink, A. Nawijn &  F. de Jong, Leren over co-creatie in praktijk(gericht)onderzoek. Rondetafelgesprek 233.  In Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD 2018) Onderste boven van.
  • Spreeuwenberg, L., De Jong, F., Benthum,N., & Van Heijst, H. (2018). Knowledge building and the practical design principles in the master Learning and Innovation of Aeres Applied University the Netherlands. In M. Scardamalia (Chair), Knowledge building: A place for everyone in a knowledge society: Proceedings 2018 Knowledge building summer institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 14-17 (pp. 186-190). http://ikit.org/KBSI2018/KBSI2018-Proceedings.pdf
  • Seuneke, P., & Van der Heul, W. (2018, november). Jack of all trades?: cloud launch and dialogue about the practice-based researchers’ profile. EAPRIL 2018 Conference, (12-14 November 2018), Portoroz, Slovenia.
  • Seuneke, P., & Van der Heul, W. (2018, november). Jump in!: round tables about your research project plans, dilemma’s, questions etc. EAPRIL 2018 Conference, (12-14 November 2018), Portoroz, Slovenia. 
  • Spreeuwenberg, L., & Van Heijst, H. (2018, november). Impact of the completion of a master program employees om their working environment. Presentation in N. van den Berg (Chair), C. van Kan, L. Spreeuwenberg, & H. van Heijst. Impact of master programs for teachers in the Netherlands. Session B. 13, EAPRIL 2018 Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, Programme p 14. 
  • Van den Berg, N. (Chair), Van Kan, C., Spreeuwenberg, L., & Van Heijst, H. (2018, november). Impact of master programs for teachers in the Netherlands. Session B.13, EAPRIL 2018 Conference, November 12th-14th, Portoroz, Slovenia, Programme p.14. 
  • Van den Berg, N. ,& Mazereeuw, M. (Chairs) (2018, november). Practice-based Research Methodology: Creating our base together. EAPRIL Cloud Spotlight. EAPRIL 2018 Conference, November 12th-14th, Portoroz, Slovenia, Programma p.3.
  • Van den Berg, N., De Jong, F. & Seuneke, P. (2018, juni). Nieuwe methoden, oude instituties: regioleren in het mbo. In I. Zitter, (Voorzitter), E. Bouw, E. de Bruijn, N. van den Berg, F. de Jong, P. Seuneke, . . . P. Cremers (2018). De onderste steen boven: bouwstenen voor leeromgevingen op de grens van opleiding en werkpraktijk. In Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD 2018) Onderste boven van onderwijs: Abstractboek (pp. 295-305). Nijmegen: Radboud 
  • Van den Berg, N., Rozendaal, J. , Groenink, K., Nawijn, A., & De Jong, F., (2018, juni). Leren over co-creatie in praktijk(gericht)onderzoek: Rondetafelgesprek 233. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD 2018) Onderste boven van onderwijs: Abstractboek (pp. 531-532). Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
  • Van Heijst, H., De Jong, F., Kirschner, P., Van Aalst, J., & De Hoog, N. (2018, juni). Sociaal-cognitieve openheid in online kennisconstructie in een deeltijd masteropleiding. Posterpresentatie tijdens de Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD 2018), Nijmegen.
  • Veldman, G., & De Jong, F. (2018). Knowledge Forum as Knowledge development Environment in a community of Practice. In M.Scardamalia (Chair),  Knowledge building: A place for everyone in a knowledge society: Proceedings 2018 Knowledge building summer institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada August 14-17 (pp. 239).
  • Bent, M. (2018). Motivation for new innovation: services and products and career guidance. In J. Votava, J-W. Noom & M. Robischon (Eds.), Learning on and off the land:  Proceedings of Enter Study Days in Berlin (pp. 21-25). Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences.
  • Camps, J. (2018). What does education of floral design at university level actually mean? In J. Votava, J-W. Noom & M. Robischon (Eds.), Learning on and off the land:  Proceedings of Enter Study Days in Berlin (pp. 26-37). Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences.
  • Heijs, J. M. E. (2018). Education students to function at care farms. In In J. Votava, J-W. Noom & M. Robischon (Eds.), Learning on and off the land:  Proceedings of Enter Study Days in Berlin (pp. 38-45). Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences.
  • Noom, J-W. (2018). Inspiration as a motor for learning and developing. In J. Votava, J-W. Noom & M. Robischon (Eds.), Learning on and off the land:  Proceedings of Enter Study Days in Berlin (pp. 80-93). Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences.
  • Noom, J-W. (2018). An introductory word of the ENTER president: ENTER as a platform of exchange. In J. Votava, J-W. Noom & M. Robischon (Eds.), Learning on and off the land:  Proceedings of Enter Study Days in Berlin (pp. 7-10). Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences.
  • Seuneke, P., Van den Berg, N., & De Jong, F. (2018). ‘Regional learning’: a means to learn ‘On and off the land’? In J. Votava, J-W. Noom & M. Robischon (Eds.), Learning on and off the land:  Proceedings of Enter Study Days in Berlin (pp. 117-127). Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences.


  • De Jong, F., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., & Berghmans, I. (2017). Practice-based research – A forum for teachers, reseachers and practitioners. Proceedings  EAPRIL’s conference participation Eracon 2017 Conference. EAPRIL’S. https://eapril.org/sites/default/files/2017-10/ExampleproceedingsEAPRIL2017.pdf 
  • De Jong, F., Van den Ende, J., Van Heijst, H., Matsuzawa, Y., Kirschner, P., Zhang, J., Chen, M., Chen, F., Rosé, C., Velazquez Godinez, E., Ratté, S., Chen,  B., Chan, C., Van Aalst, J., Yang, C., Oshima, J., Hmelo-Silver, C., & Wise, A. (2017). Making a Difference: Analytics for Quality Knowledge-Building Conversations. In: B., K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier and K. Yon Lim (eds). Making a difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, 12th international conference on computer supported collaborative learning. Conference proceedings, vol. 1-2, pp. 711. ISBN: 978-0-9903550-2-1 (Volume 2, PDF Version) ISSN: 1573-4552  https://cscl17.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/finalvol2cscl2017.pdf or https://repository.isls.org/bitstream/1/209/1/114.pdf 
  • De Jong, F., Van den Berg, N., & Seuneke, P. (2017a). Practice-based and practitioner research in social science e.g. education is of a different nature. Book of abstracts 17th Bienale EARLI conference for research on learning and instruction, 27 Aug- 2 Sept, session K27, p. 403. https://earli.org/sites/default/files/2017-09/EARLI2017_book_of_abstracts1309.pdf
  • Hennissen, P., Van den Berg, N., Auwerkerken, T., Meijer, M.-J., Onstenk, J., Halin, J., & Acampo, H. (2017). Vormen en opbrengsten van grenspraktijken van onderzoekers en opleiders in, om, voor en door lerarenopleidingen en scholen. Symposium ORD 2017, 28-30 juni 2017, Antwerpen.
  • Scardamalia, M., Bereiter, M., Laferrière, T., Bielaczyc, K., Chai, S., Chan, C.K.K., Chen, B., Chen, M., De Jong, F., Diaz del Castillo, F., Hakkarainen, K., Matsuzawa, Y., McAuley, A., Montané, M., Nunes,  C., Reeve, R., Seitamaa-Hakkarainen, P., Oshima, J., Shirouzu, H., Chee Tan, S., Lee Teo, C., Van Aalst, J., Vinha,T., & Zhang, J. (2017). Toward a Multi-Level Knowledge Building Innovation Network. In: B., K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier and K. Yon Lim (eds). Making a difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, 12th international conference on computer supported collaborative learning. Conference proceedings, vol. 1-2, pp. 703. ISBN: 978-0-9903550-2-1 (Volume 2, PDF Version) ISSN: 1573-4552  https://cscl17.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/finalvol2cscl2017.pdf or https://repository.nie.edu.sg/bitstream/10497/18928/1/CSCL-2017-703.pdf 
  • Van den Berg, N., De Jong, F., Den Boer, P., Coenders, M., Mazereeuw, M.,  & Seuneke, P. (2017). Guiding authentic learning in school and workplace in VET in the Netherlands; three cases. Symposium AEPRIL Conference, November 29th – December 1th, Hammeenlinna, Finland
  • Van den Ende, J., Van Heijst, H., De Jong, F., & Kirschner, P. (2017).  Key concepts and socio-cognitive openness: Exploring the potential of knowledge building from the two perspectives. In: B., K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier and K. Yon Lim (eds). Making a difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, 12th international conference on computer supported collaborative learning. Conference proceedings, vol. 1-2, pp. 715. ISBN: 978-0-9903550-2-1 (Volume 2, PDF Version) ISSN: 1573-4552  https://cscl17.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/finalvol2cscl2017.pdf or https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/209
  • Velázquez, E., Raté, S., & De Jong, F. (2017). Analyzing students’ knowledge-building conversations by comparing to syllabus and their collective writing. In: B., K. Smith, M. Borge, E. Mercier and K. Yon Lim (eds). Making a difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, 12th international conference on computer supported collaborative learning. Conference proceedings, vol. 1-2, pp. 714. ISBN: 978-0-9903550-2-1 (Volume 2, PDF Version) ISSN: 1573-4552  https://cscl17.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/finalvol2cscl2017.pdf or https://repository.isls.org/handle/1/209
  • Van den Berg, Verdonschot, S. & Van der Heul, W. (2017). Onderzoek met impact in beroepsonderwijs en beroepspraktijk. Rondetafel 2017, Antwerpen, 20-30 juni 2017.
  • Baas, L. (2017). Continue learning and innovating organizations: illusion or achieveable reality. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D11, Vi-S-312), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW)
  • Batten, I. (2017. Optimize the flow. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D13 Vi-C-146), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW)
  • De Bruin, J. (2017). Mastering student-directed learning. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D3 Vi-D-215), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW)
  • Den Boer, P., Zijp, M., Van den Berg, N. & De Jong, F. (2017). Co-creation in articulating research questions. Roundtabel AEPRIL Conference, November 29th – December 1th,, Hammeenlinna, Finland.
  • De Gruijl, A. (2017). How to develop education in which the student is in charge of his education? EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D9 Vi-S-301), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • De Jong, F., Van den Berg,  N., & Seuneke, P. (2017). The nature of practice based and practitioner research in Educational Sciences. In Laitinen-Väänänen, S. (Organizer): Invited symposium: practice-based practitioner research in education. Presented at the 17th Bienale EARLI conference for research on learning and instruction, 27 Aug- 2 Sept, session K27 Friday 8.30 am. Tampere, Finland.
  • Eppinga, A. J. (2017. Inspiring theoretical education for inservice students, an illusion or a challenge? EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D12 Vi-S-125), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Fekkes, M., Sloetjes, M., & Hakkaart, Q.(2017). How can we led them grow: search for vocational student sneed in transition to vocational university. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Fri Dec 2, session H5 Vi-C-302), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW)
  • Gerritsen, H. (2017). Knowledge sharing, no disaster!. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D11 Vi-S-312), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW)
  • Hoekstra, F. (2017). Mind the gap: a search for better and innovative related education methods. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D5 Vi-C-237), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW)
  • Jager-Wintermans, I. (2017). Design thinking and making, what do teachers need? EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D13 Vi-C-146), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Laureijs, J. (2017). Sharing learner agency. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D9 Vi-S-301 Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Lemans, B. (2107). Inquiry based learning, the heart of our education? EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D3 Vi-D-215), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Maas, E. (2017). Innovation and education as the result of co-creation. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D13 Vi-C-146), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Olthof, K. (2017). Special secondary education and workplace learning; where can they meet eachother? EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D8 Vi-D-214), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW)
  • Palfenier, C. (2017). How to create a learning organization? EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D12 Vi-S-125), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Regelink, J., & Van Oefelt, T. (2017). Professional identity: helpful concept to facilitate developing professionals. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Fri Dec 2, session H11 Vi-D-217), Hämeenlinna, Finland. 
  • Schellingerhout, A. (2017). Collaborative learning of nurse supervisors. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D11 Vi-S-312), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Schrijvers, M. (2017). How to design a continuous learning process stimulating students positively? EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D9 Vi-S-301), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Stigters, A. (2017). Tear down the walls: working towards transmural learning in Dutch healthcare. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D9 Vi-C-146), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Van Benthum, N., & Van Oefelt, T., (2017). Building knowledge with coasters. A knowledge building pedagogy for Higher education. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Fri  Dec 2, session F13, VI-D-215), Hämeenlinna, Finland.
  • Van den Berg, E., Van Drieenhuizen, J., & Van oeffelt, T. (2017). Employability & learning at the labour market. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Wed Nov 30, session A10, VI-D-214), Hämeenlinna, Finland.
  • Van den Berg, N., De Jong, F., & Seuneke, P. (2017). One-size-doesn’t-fit all: doing regional learning in Dutch secondary VET-schools. In: Berg, N., & Cremers, P.H.M. (orgn.) symposium: Guiding authentic learning in school and workplace in VET in the Netherlands – 3 cases. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec.; Wed Nov. 30, session A4, Vi-C-236), Hämeenlinna, Finland.
  • Van den Berg, N., De Jong, F., & Seuneke, P. (2017). Co-creation in articulating research questions. In: Berg, N., & Cremers, P.H.M. (orgn.) round table: organization of practice-based research. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Wed Nov. 30, session B14, VI-C302), Hämeenlinna, Finland.
  • Van den Ende, J., & De Jong, F. (2017). Online knowledge building explored by using learning analytics from a qualitative perspective. In: Innegrating digital technologies in education. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session E10, VI-C338), Hämeenlinna, Finland.
    Van den Berg, N., Geerdink, G., Geldens, J., Hennissen, P., Hoogland, J., Van Katwijk, L., Koster, B., Onstenk, J., Pauw, I., Ros, A., Snoek, M. & Timmermans, M. (2017). Van ‘focus naar massa’ naar ‘verbreding en verbinding. De rol van lectoraten in de onderwijspraktijk. Handout voor rondetafel VELON congres 16-17 maart 2017.
  • Van Groningen, N. (2017). Applying virtual reality for high impact learning in the reality of the classroom. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D1 Vi-C-302), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Van Loon, J. (2017). A search for more ownership of students in their education. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D9 Vi-S-301), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Van Oefelt, T. (2017). Profesional identity: helpful concept to facilitate developing professionals. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Fri Dec 2, session CLd4, VI-C130A), Hämeenlinna, Finland.
  • Varenkamp, P. (2017). Stimulating internal drive to self-development in mental health teams. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thur Dec 1, session D11 Vi-S-312), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).
  • Veldman, G. (2017). Knowledge Forum as a knowledge development environment in a community of practice. EAPRIL 12th Annual conference, (29-nov-2 dec; Thu Dec i, session D6 Vi-C-236), Hämeenlinna, Finland. (master student MLI, AHW).


  • Benthum, N.M.M. van & Spreeuwenberg, L. (2016, november). Stimulating knowledge building: what works?. Paper presented at the EAPRIL conference, Porto Portugal.
  • De Jong F., & Seuneke, P. (2016). Responsive education and semiotic learning together: for a better world. Porto: EAPRIL, Wednesday November 23, (Workshop-presentation) session C16 Room C220.
  • De Jong F. (2016). Competence development of land based education students by doing research in companies: a longitudinal study. In F. de Jong, N. van den Berg and T. van der Ven (organizers): Symposium, Competence in crossing social cultural boundaries. Porto: EAPRIL, Thursday November 24, session G2, Room F503.
  • De Jong F. (2016). The use of modern educational tools and environments in Dutch secondary and higher vocational schools: a case study inventory. Porto: EAPRIL, Friday November 25, (Present & discuss) session J10 Room C218.
  • De Jong, F. (2016). Developing research behavior competence by crossing school and business borders. In F. de Jong,  N. van den Berg, H. Corten & T. van der Ven (organizers): symposium; Competence in crossing sociocultural boundaries. Wageningen, Competence 2016. International conference on competence theory, research and practice, October 19-21.; session V1.2, Friday 20, Orion Room C3015.
  • De Jong, F. (2016). Responsive and responsible education: eco-semiotic learning competence. In F. de Jong (organizer): symposium; Transition thinking Planet, People, Profit and related competence. Wageningen, Competence 2016. International conference on competence theory, research and practice, October 19-21; session IV.7, Thursday 20, Forum Room C521.
  • De Jong, F. (2016). Panel discussion (Chair). ‘What is good practitioner research’. Porto: EAPRIL, Tuesday November 22, Great Auditorium A2.
  • Oeffelt, T. P. A. van, Ruijters, M. C. P, Wortelboer, F. Q. C. & Geijsel, F. (2016, November 24). Meaningful Elements in a Transformative Learning Program. Presented at EAPRIL Conference, Porto.
  • Runhaar, P., Gullikers., J., Wesselink, R., & Wallenaar, M. (2016) De Startwijzer. Een integrale kijk op inductie door verbinding met HRM. Rotterdam: ORD2016 –Onderwijs Research Dagen ‘Koersen op kennis’ May 25-27.
  • Van der Ven, T. (2016). Cross-cultural competences as success criteria in the multicultural classroom. In F. de Jong and N. van den Berg: Symposium, Competence in crossing social cultural boundaries. Porto: EAPRIL, Thursday November 24, session G2, Room F503. 
  • Van den Ende, J., Van Heijst, H., & De Jong, F. (2016). Key concepts and socio-cognitive openness: exploring the potential of collaborative knowledge building from two perspectives. Porto: EAPRIL, Friday November 25, (flipping the session) session K6 Room J103.
  • Van den Ende, J., & De Jong, F. (2016). Kwaliteit van kennisontwikkeling van eerstejaars masterstudenten in een online leeromgeving. Rotterdam: ORD2016 –Onderwijs Research Dagen ‘Koersen op kennis’ May 25-27, Sessie (poster), Thursday, May 26: 1:00pm - 1:50pm; Van der Goot - Midden- en westhal 2e etage.
  • Velázquez, E., Raté, S., & De Jong, F. (2016, September 21-23). Analysing Students’ Knowledge-Building Skills By Comparing Their Written Production To Syllalbus. International Conference on Collaborative Learning. Belfast, UK.
  • Van den Berg, N. (2016).Grenspraktijken. Opleiders en onderzoekers in ontwikkeling. Poster in het kader van het Symposium Onderzoekend (samen)werken aan praktijkvraagstukken. Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), 25-27 mei, Rotterdam.
  • Van den Berg, N. (2016). Boundary practices of educators and researchers collaborating on professional issues. (Poster and paper). In F. de Jong,  and N. van den Berg, H. Corten &  T. van der Ven (organizers): symposium; Competence in crossing sociocultural boundaries. Wageningen, Competence 2016. International conference on competence theory, research and practice, October 19-21.; session V1!.2, Friday 20, Orion Room C3015..
  • Van den Berg, N. (2016). Boundary practices of educators and researchers collaborating on professional issues. (Poster and paper) In F. de Jong, N. van den Berg and T. van der Ven: Symposium, Competence in crossing social cultural boundaries. Porto: EAPRIL, Thursday November 24, session G2, Room F503.


  • Van den Berg, N., Nieuwenhuis, L., Brouwer, P., Looij, R., Truijen, K., Jehee, M. & 
    Hooge, E. (2014).Teamontwikkeling in het onderwijs door de ogen van onderzoekers en onderwijsprofessionals.Symposium Onderwijsresearchdagen 11-13 juni 2014, Groningen.
  • Den Boer, P., Van den Berg, N., Ritzen, H., Van Liere, A., Van Loon, F., Stukker, E., 
  • Kattevilder, D., Steenvoorde, M. & Nieuwenhuis, L. (2014). De nieuwsgierigheid voorbij: onderzoek en onderzoekend werken in het beroepsonderwijs. Symposium Onderwijsresearchdagen, 11-13 juni 2014, Groningen.
  • De Jong, F, Beus, M. Richardson, R., & Ruijters, M. (June, 2014) Ecologically transdiciplinary inspired research approach: methodological principles to bridge practice and research. In: S. McKenney (ed). ICLS pre-conference workshop on “Tightening Research-Practice Connections, Bolder, USA.


  • Corten, H., De Jong, F., & Van der Velden, R. (Mei, 2013). Een vragenlijstinstrument om het competentieniveau van HBO-studenten te meten. Symposium bijdrage ORD 2013, Brussel.
  • Corten, H., De Jong, F., & Van der Velden, R. (May  24, 2013). Returns of studying at a university of applied sciences in the Netherlands. 8th Scientific International Conference students on their way to science. Latvia: Jelgava: Latvia University of Agriculture.
  • De Jong. F. (April 27-May 1, AERA 2013). Teaching for improved learning in vocational education. The Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR: division Learning & Instruction), 2013 AERA Annual meeting invited symposium, San Francisco .
  • De Jong. F. (May, 2013). Theory is not an uninvolved, neutral thinking and practice; about connectedness and knowledge creation. EARLI Advanced Study Colloquium 2013 On the roles of theory in research on learning and Instruction. London, Great Britain.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. (Key note, invited, 18 May 2013). Knowledge building/creation and ETI-research: alternatives for learning and research'.  Key note National Taiwan Normal University: International Conference--Future Earth Science Learning Embedded with Emerging Technologies.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. & Willemse, M. (29-31 Mei 2013). Gesprek over onderzoekstandaarden voor praktijkgericht onderzoek. Invited symposium ORD 2013, Brussel (organisatie vanuit VOR Divisie Leren en Instructie & VOR divisie Lerenopleiding en leraarsgedrag).
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M., & Van Huijgevoort, M. (29-31 Mei, 2013). Het gebruik van determineren van competentiegroei met behulp van een competentievragenlijst in het groene lyceum. Symposium bijdrage ORD 2013, Brussel.
  • De Jong. F.P.C.M. (Augustus, 2013). Reflecting on methodological principles for practice-oriented research Invited symposium. EARPIL invited symposium at EARLI conference Munchen, Germany.
  • Richardson, R. (Key note, invited, 2013, March 22nd ). Ethnocultural Minorities in the Dutch Armed Forces: an overview of cross-cultural research in the last 7 years. Keynote at the conference on cultural diversity, MILAK, Zurich, Switserland.
  • Richardson, R. (4-7 June, ERGOMAS, 2013). Multicultural attitudes  in the Dutch Defense Organization.Paper presented at the 12th ERGOMAS conference, Madrid, Spain.
  • Van Beek, J., Minnaert, A., & Wubbels, T. (April 27-May 1, AERA 2013). Teachers’ practice in preparatory secondary vocational education: A mixture of teacher control and stimulating self-regulation. The Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR: division Learning & Instruction), 2013 AERA Annual meeting invited symposium, San Francisco.
  • Van Benthum, N.M.M., Gulikers, J., De Jong, F., & Mulder, M. (29-31 Mei, 2013). Leergedrag van leerlingen bij Asssessment for Learning. ORD 2013, Brussel
  • Van Benthum, N.M.M., Gulikers, J., De Jong, F., & Mulder, M. (29-31 Mei, 2013). Ontwikkeling van een observatie-instrument voor Assessment for Learning. In: Org, J. Gulikers, De implementatie van Assessment for Learning; zoeken naar congruentie tussen inhoud en process. ORD 2013, Brussel.
  • Van Benthum, N.M.M., Gulikers, J., De Jong, F., & Mulder, M. (August, 2013). Developing a coding scheme for Assessment for Learning practice. EARLI-JURE conference.
  • Van der Ven, T., & Richardson, R. (9 –14 June, 2013). Success Criteria for Intercultural Participation in Environmental Education - Intercultural dialogues. Paper presented at the 7th WEEC World Environmental Education Congress, on environmental and diversity issues, Marrakech, Morocco.


  • Corten, H, De Jong, F., & Van der Velden, R. (20-22 June, 2012). Een meetinstrument om de competentie- ontwikkeling van (internationale) HBO-studenten te bepalen.  Onderwijs Research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Frijters, S. (20-22 June, 2012). De groene omgeving als katalysator voor leren. PhD sessie Onderwijs Research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Giglio, M., & De Jong, F. (28-30 November, 2012). Cataloguing new competences, creative practices and innovations for improving learning. 7th EAPRIL Annual Conference: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M., (28-30 November 2012). Beyond Current Methodology of Practice Oriented Research: Ecologically and Transdisciplinarily Inspired Research (ETI Research). [Key note] 7th EAPRIL Annual Conference: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. (organizer). Teaching for improved learning in vocational education. VOR AREA invited symposium. Organisatie vanuit VOR divisie Leren en Instructie: The Netherlands Educational Research Association (VOR: division Learning & Instruction) 2013 AERA Annual meeting invited symposium, San Francisco April 27-May 1.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. (28-30 November, 2012). Opening session: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development. 7th EAPRIL Annual Conference: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. (28-30 November, 2012). Closing session: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development. 7th EAPRIL Annual Conference: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. (Invited workshop, 6 December, 2012). De docent als onderzoeker. HPBO Innovatie congres: Amersfoort.
    Lek, J., & De Jong, F.P.C.M. (28-30 November, 2012). A research by vocational students in company in 'green vocational Lyceum' to get to learn the practice. 7th EAPRIL Annual Conference: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M., Beus, M., Richardson, R., & Ruijters, M. (20-22 June, 2012). ETI-research: richtinggevend voor praktijkgericht onderzoek?. Paneldiscussion. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M., Van den Ende, J., & Van Huijgevoort, M. (20-22 June, 2012). Dilemma’s in het anticiperen op de post-initiële leerbehoeften door het (groene) beroepsonderwijs. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. & Van Heijst, H. (20-22 June, 2012). Relatie tussen docentaanwezigheid en kenniscreatieactiviteiten van studenten in KnowledgeForum. Onderwijs research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Nijenhuis, E., & De Jong, F. (20-22 June, 2012). Succesfactoren bij studentgestuurde samenwerkingsvormen in het groene MBO. Onderwijs research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Richardson, R. (Keynote, invited, February 6th , 2012). Recruitment and Retention in the Dutch Armed Forces. Keynote at the seminar ‘recruitment and retention’, Swedish Defence College, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Richardson, R. (Keynote, invited, March 2nd , 2012). Diversity in the Dutch Armed Forces. Keynote at workshop on militarism and multiculture: the significance of the minority soldier in the national army, Open University, London, UK.
  • Rietveld, N., Richardson, R., & Van de Vijver, F. (11 July 2012). Changes in Multicultural attitudes of Dutch Defence Employees. A comparison between the 2006, 2008 and 2011 surveys. Paper presented at IACCP, 21th International Congress, South Africa, Stellenbosch.
  • Sonneveld, A., Endedijk, M., Runhaar, P. & Hendriks, M. (20-22 June, 2012) Professionalisering van studieloopbaanbegeleiders. Ontwerp en evaluatie van een trainingsinterventie gericht op het voeren van loopbaandialogen. Onderwijs research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Teutelink, R, & De Jong, F. (20-22 June, 2012). Motivatie door BPV-opdrachten: Een case study naar het effect van sturing op intrinsieke motivatie. Onderwijs research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Van Beek, J., De Jong, F., Minnaert, A, & Wubbels, Th. (20-22 June, 2012). VMBO-docenten zijn niet te typeren als docent- of leerlinggestuurd: Validiteit van een leerlingperceptievragenlijst over docentgedrag.Onderwijs Research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Van Benthum, N., De Jong, F., & Mulder, M. (20-22 June, 2012). Praktijkonderzoek van docenten en managers naar ‘Assessment for Learning’ in groen beroepsonderwijs. Onderwijs Research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.
  • Van Benthum, N., Van der Steen, J., Gulikers, J., De Jong, F., & Mulder, M. (28-31 August, 2012). A theory of improvement for teachers’ professional development in Assessment for Learning. Linking multiple perspectives on assessment. EARLI SIG 1 Conference: Assesment and Evaluation. Brussels.
  • Van der Linde, R., De Jong, F.P.C.M., & Berghmans, I. (28-30 November, 2012). Thinking about a Comenius project? 7th EAPRIL Annual Conference: Creating Competence Innovations in Learning and Development, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • Waterreus, I., Willemse, M., & De Jong, F.P.C.M. (20-22 June, 2012). Ruim baan voor stapsgewijze verbeteringen in het onderwijs. Invited symposium/panel ORD 2012. Onderwijs research Dagen 2012, Wageningen: WUR en Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum Hogeschool.


  • De Jong, F.P.C.M., Van Heijst, H., Spreeuwenberg, L. &, De Laat, H.  (June, 2011). Teachers’ Interventions and Knowledge Creation in a Master 'Learning & Innovation for Teachers in Vocational Education’.Proceedings CSCL-conference, short-paper, Hongkong: University of Hongkong.
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. (Jan. 27-28, 2011). Competence based education at Stoas Wageningen|Vilentum University of Applied sciences. Workshop Quality Assurance of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education, The Hague, the Inspectorate of Education (Netherlands).
  • De Jong, F.P.C.M. (28 Okober 2011). The connection between learning at school and learning in praxis: competence grew; flexibility and differentiation. [key note]. The Collaborative Intensity Festival Venue: Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
  • Richardson, R. (June, 2011). Recruitment and Retention of Ethnic Cultural Minorities in the Dutch Armed Forces. Paper presented at the 11th ERGOMAS conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Rietveld, N. & Richardson, R. (October, 2011). Multicultural Attitudes of Dutch Defence Employees and Changes during the last five years. Paper presented at the 478h anniversary Biennual conference of the Inter University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Chicago (ILL) USA.
  • Spreeuwenberg. L. (23-25 November, 2011). Knowledge development of students in a blended e-learning environment: Virtual Action Learning (VAL). EAPRIL-submission. EAPRIL conference: Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Van Beek, J.A., De Jong, F.P.C.M., Minnaert, A.E.M.G., & Wubbels, Th. (2011, mei). Verschillen in gevarieerdheid van het didactisch handelen van docenten in het VMBO-groen vanuit de perceptie van leerlingen. Paper gepresenteerd op de Onderwijs Research Dagen, Maastricht.
  • Van den Ende, J., Spreeuwenberg, L., & De Laat, H. (23-25 November. 2011). Knowledge building and the use and value of conceptual artifacts in Stoas Wageningen | Vilentum University’s master program. Workshop EAPRIL conference: Nijmegen, The Netherlands.