- Harrison Awuh - Booklet 'Building inclusive healthy and sustainable food narratives'
- Harrison Awuh - Blog 'Eat your local'
- Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, Ard van de Kreeke - Podcast 'Van kas tot consument'
- Tjitske Zwart, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck - Retailing Local Food: supermarkets beyond the 300
- Jan Eelco Jansma, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck - Planning for urban food: a social practice perspective on planning for urban agriculture in Almere, the Netherlands
- Dutch Food Week 2020: What do YOU think about the future of food?
- Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, Anke Brons - Support Your Locals: over international solidariteit in een weerbaar en duurzaam stedelijk voedselsysteem
- Claudia Segreto, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, Charlotte van den Arend, Nadia Zerouali - Support Your Locals (report) & Support Your Locals (infographic)
- Inconspicuous sustainability in food practices of Dutch consumers with type 2 diabetes - Anke Brons, Peter Oosterveer, Sigrid Wertheim-Heck
- Laat de stad leven, tweede digitale magazine Team Praktijkgericht Onderzoek Aeres Hogeschool Almere (oktober 2020)
- Anke Brons, Jan Eelco Jansma en Koen van der Gaast – Ondernemend eten: hoe de Almeerse burger de transitie naar duurzaam en gezond eten vormgeeft
- Martijn Stehouwer - Msc Thesis Environmental Policy - normalizing novel sanitation practices
- Anke Brons - Feeding the melting pot: inclusive strategies for the multi-ethnic city
- Sigrid Wertheim-Heck – de stad op het bord van het platteland
- Florine Kremer - MSc thesis big data and food
- Alice Minichini - The food system in cities: an exploration of systemic urban food governance. The case of Almere
- Sigrid Wertheim-Heck: Food safety and nutrition for low-income urbanites: exploring a social justice dilemma in consumption policy
- Gezond Leven in de Groene Stad, digitaal magazine Team Praktijkgericht Onderzoek Aeres Hogeschool Almere
- Feed the city - a comparative study between Almere and Angers
- CoE Food – Food for Thought
- Blog Anke Brons - Feeding the melting pot: Inclusive sustainable diets in the multi-ethnic city
- Presentatie ‘Food experiences of Syrian immigrants in the Netherlands’
- Rapport Almeerse voedselstromen
- Podcast over Flevo Campus met Jan Eelco Jansma en Anke Bos, april 2018; ook op iTunes, Spotify en Soundcloud beschikbaar
- Pop- up restaurant - Feeding the City
- Inaugurele rede Sigrid Wertheim-Heck NL
- Inaugurele rede Sigrid Wertheim-Heck UK
- JE Jansma, L Janssen-Jansen, A Van Der Valk, and SCO Wertheim-Heck, 2018 “Thought for Urban Food Planning: The Oosterwold (NL) Experiment to Normalise Agriculture in Urban Planning”. In: Proceedings of Annual AESOP congress 10-14 July 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Jansma, JE en JC Dagevos, 2018. Stad en ommeland transformeren naar tussenland in Oosterwold. Landwerk 2018 (4): 44-47.
- Jansma, JE and AJ van der Valk, 2017 “The planning of an Urban Food Scape through the lenses of Multi-Level Perspective on transition and Social Practice Theory: lessons of Almere Oosterwold” 8th annual Conference of AESOP Sustainable food planning, Coventry November 14-15th. p 87.